I've created this wiki site to help students in English 105 collaborate on the final paper. Getting together to share information, concerns, or drafts is hard when so many of us commute in to campus. This should make keeping in touch with group members easier.
To the left you'll see a link How to edit pages? which will help to explain how you can add and change material on this page. Take a few minutes and look through the commands; really, editing is pretty easy.
I've set up a separate page for each group. You can go to your group's page by clicking on the link to the left. Once you're there, feel free to edit the material on the page by clicking the edit button at the bottom. If you make a mistake (or think that some other group member has made a mistake with some changes, you can click the history button right next to edit to see what's been changed and by whom. You can compare revisions by looking at the S V and R squares. Clicking on R will change the page back to that version.